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My last post told you that I am in the Sandwich Generation; those years when we are still raising a child while caring for aging parents.  These years have represented far more privilege than dread.  Far more.
sandwich-generationA couple of months ago, I got an unexpected phone call asking me to come to work. The job offer was temporary but it was a good fit so I reported for duty the following day. Currently, I’m still there.  I’m working in an office that assists pastors.  My parents and siblings alone represent seven pastors and one church administrative assistant.  How could I not go honor them?

Last Friday I was working through a data base.  It’s one I didn’t know about until last week and one that needs a bit of updating.  As I was going through the files, the record for John Hancock came onto my screen.  My father-in-law now deceased.  Gone four months ago.
dad HancockI sat and stared at the screen and the name and the life represented.  In the “notes” section it said, “Wife Venita passed away September 2013.”  The life represented.  The lives touched.  The legacy left.

I knew he couldn’t stay in the data base because he would show up in reports and receive mail.  So I highlighted his name.  All I had to do was hit “delete” and I knew this record would be updated.  My job would be done.

I couldn’t.  Instead, I un-highlighted his name and moved to the next.

Later that day I called a co-worker and asked her to take on the task.  I thought I was good by then, but I wasn’t.  I still choked my way through the request.  A little later I got a text that said, “John Hancock has been lovingly removed.”  And I knew she meant it because she loved him too.

Then it hit me.  Just like that.  Highlight.  Delete.  That’s really what life comes down to in the end.  Yes, we leave a legacy.  But the legacy is created in the “highlight” portion of life.  We create a life…in the “highlight.”  We marry poorly or well in the “highlight.” We choose a Savior or not, in the “highlight.”  We introduce others to Jesus, in the “highlight.”  Then, in the end…delete.

I realized on Friday just how much the highlight matters.
Highlight (1)Today – I’m still in the highlight portion of life.  I want to make it count.  I don’t know how long I’ll be in the highlight so it HAS to count now.

What are you doing with your highlight?  Make it matter!